Missing hfxclasses45.dll error solution for Windows
Please read the instructions carefully before you download the hfxclasses45.dll.Take the proper steps to safely clean and repair windows errors.
1. Where should this file go? After you download hfxclasses45.dll on your machine, paste it in directory where it missing, and also copy it to
Windows 95, 98, ME C:\Windows\System
Windows NT, 2000 C:\WinNT\System32
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 C:\Windows\System32
64-bit Windows C:\Windows\System64
If you can't find windows directory try:
a. Press and hold Windows key on your keyboard, then press button R.
b. Enter the command "cmd" and press Enter
c. In a command window enter the command "set systemroot" and press Enter. It will display system directory.
2. Go to "start" ==> "run" and type "regsvr32 hfxclasses45.dll" to register the file to the system.