Missing dinput8.dll error solution for Windows

Please read the instructions carefully before you download the dinput8.dll.Take the proper steps to safely clean and repair windows errors.

1. Where should this file go? After you download dinput8.dll on your machine, paste it in directory where it missing, and also copy it to

Windows 95, 98, ME C:\Windows\System
Windows NT, 2000 C:\WinNT\System32
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 C:\Windows\System32
64-bit Windows C:\Windows\System64

If you can't find windows directory try:
a. Press and hold Windows key on your keyboard, then press button R.
b. Enter the command "cmd" and press Enter
c. In a command window enter the command "set systemroot" and press Enter. It will display system directory.
2. Go to "start" ==> "run" and type "regsvr32 dinput8.dll" to register the file to the system.

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File name: dinput8.dll
File size: 208896 bytes

dinput8.dll is part of Microsoft DirectX. Microsoft DirectX is a collection of application programming interfaces (APIs) for handling tasks related to multimedia, especially game programming and video.

» Download dinput8.dll



Common error:

Blazing Angels 2 - Secret Missions of WWII is a 2007 flight combat video game developed by Ubisoft Bucharest, published by Ubisoft.

League of Legends - A multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games.

World of Tanks - World of Tanks is a massively multiplayer online game developed by Belarusian company Wargaming.

Warthunder - War Thunder is a cross platform vehicular combat multiplayer game developed by the Russian company Gaijin Entertainment.

dinput8.dll entry point not found error

The procedure entry point RtlLookupFunctionEntpy could not be located in the dynamic link library

The program can't start because DINPUT8.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.

C:\windows\system32\DINPUT8.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error. Try installing the program again using the original installation media or contact your system administrator or the software vendor for support.

Fatal error!

Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x80aa0010
0x00000000BA238722 dinput8.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00000000BA23CDAF dinput8.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00000000BA23C7A4 dinput8.dll!UnknownFunction
0x00000000BA235680 dinput8.dll!UnknownFunction

BA2 bad image: The application or DLL c\Windows\system32\DINPUT8.dll is not a valid windows image.Please check against disk

dinput8.dll bad image: not designed to run on windows or it contains an error

Posible solutions:

1. Download and register dinput8.dll at this page, extract the DLL into the same folder as the game's main executable, also copy it to c:/windows/system32/ and register it

2. Reinstall/upgrading to the latest version of Direct.

3. Reinstall the game and restart your computer.

4. Update your video card drivers.

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Missing dll most recent download:

d3dx9_42.dll vcredist_x86.exe scph1001.bin lame_enc.dll xinput1_3.dll msvcr100.dll d3dx9_43.dll d3dx10_43.dll msvcp110.dll msvcp120.dll msvcr110.dll xlive.dll msvcr110.dll avformat-55.dll

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All possible solutions

Got computer error message like:

"dinput8.dll crash"
"bad image"
"error loading"
"dinput8.dll was not found"
"the procedure entry point dinput8.dll error"
"dinput8.dll could not be located"
"Access Violation"
"Cannot register dinput8.dll"

at startup or shutdown or run program?
No "missing dll" anymore - Repair dll errors - How to fix windows dll corrupt on your windows xp,vista,2000/2003,win7, win8,win10

  • Download and install dinput8.dll.
  • Download and install the latest update.
  • Install windows updates automatically/regularly, allow Windows check updates in the background.
  • Reinstall the application.